Natalia Oreiro was invited to Luzu TV in the podcast’s Special Edition yesterday night.

She talked about when she is matching a movie without knowing the actors she likes the storyline, the genre, the director. She confession her problem with her eyes. She has astigmatism and getting old the problem becomes more bigger. She wear a pair of glasses where is half-half for distance and close.

When she did her first movie, she found herself singing for the soundtrack and it was not her plans to be a singer. She recorded three studio albums. The company wanted to produce different kind of music. When she showed them other genres, her own songs, she found a denial. Then she broke the contract with them cuz she wanted to become actress to dramatic films. The producer Cachoro Lopez told her that she will not manage to record what she wanted cuz the company wanted something else. She was forced to sign a contract that she will not record any other studio album with another company for 10 years.

In the memory of the movie “Infancia clandestina” where Benjamin Avila asked her to sing the song “Suenos de juventud” but she denied. Later he convicted her to do it. She has also sang for another movie which it’s going to premiere soon.

In the movie “Campamento de mama”, she suggest to sing the soundtrack. The presenter mentioned that when he saw the movie “Campamento de mama”, he cried 3 times. The movie is very moving and it talks about the difficult relationship of a mother with her pre-teen son who is 12 years old. The boy is growing up and she cannot accept it. She does not understand that her son needs air and wings. It happened to Natalia with her son, who is also 12 years old, when they were on the filming set and asked him if she is like Patri. Ata told her “a little less”.

On the topic discussed about social media said that her son is not allowed to use screens and that she tries to postpone till he will be 13 or 14 years old. She said that she cannot learn her script if its not printed.

Also, the director of the movie “Campamento de mama”, Martino Zaidelis joined the interview. During the interview Natalia remembered her first role in Inconquitable corazon (1994) next to Pablo Rago, who was the protagonist. At the end of the interview, she greeted everyone.

Natalia Oreiro was invited to the program Vuelta y Media by Urbana Play Radio 104.3 where she gave an interview. She talked about her current work, reviewed her career and the upbringing she chose with Ricardo Mollo for her son Merlin Atahualpa.


Natalia Oreiro was invited to the 3rd season of podcast “Las Pibas Dicen” where they talked about fears.

“However, I started to have a lot of fears when I become a mother. I believe that in this kind of sense that nothing can happen to me because I have to live for someone else, because he needs me. When he was newborn, to feed him, to protect him and then I realized that there was nothing more important to the world than his well-being, his health and of course, the panic of something can happen to him. And I become the mother of Pink Floyd, right? That overprotected thing, now who is 12 years old, I am working to let it go because I am also very controlling, in general, and it fears me also this. I fear to let it go.”

She talked about the fears of her parents and due to that fears her sister Adriana was not allowed to do things she want to. “At my 12, I escaped to go at club. At 15, I went to see Ramones in Chile.” Natalia explained that her plans were not included to become a singer. “I was not prepared to become a singer. Let’s say to take it at professional level, I was prepared to become an actress and out of nowhere I did a movie where I sang and released a track. Voila in Gran Rex. I have no tools and I felt panic. I was at the bathroom resting the legs on the toilet saying “a little hole to run away” because I couldn’t handle so much pressure and not only I went down hanging from the roof because I was doing fabric, so I come down in a splits hanging for 15 minutes till everybody is done coming.”

When one presenter was talking about the panic she had going on stage, she commented: “It happens to me when I sing. My only technique I have to lower down my heartbeat is 5 minutes before I go up is to sing. To do visual contact with the person. I seek a person inside the audience and only the look and the smile calm me down”. To a question from a presenter was mention her fear of driving a car: “I don’t drive by fear. I am afraid of killing someone. I did 5 times the course or 4 more but i did not go to give exams”.