
Natalia Oreiro has visited Paraguay 3 times. The first one was for private reason and it’s not known. She revealed to an interview she gave in 2014.

On July 4th, 2008 Natalia arrived in Paraguay for promoting Sedal’s products as the face of the company. The next day she gave an interview and took photos for ABC magazine at Sheraton Hotel in Asuncion. In the evening, she attended to the Sedal’s presentation along with her hairdresser, Sergio Lamensa, who is also Sedal’s. In June was released the first promo with Natalia along with Sergio Lamensa and in July a second one was published. In December, Sedal announced a contest with a promo under the motto “Tell me your story” and the lucky one would have a dinner with Natalia.

On March 20th, 2014 she landed to Paraguay. As soon as she set foot in the country, she gave an interview to the “MQM” program on Channel 13. Then she did photo shoots for various media and magazines where she gave exclusive interviews. Some of them are “Bonita” magazine, “Vanidades” magazine. At eight o’clock in the evening, Sedal’s presentation took place at the Broadway venue, located in Sucre between San Martin and Capitan Brizuela. The presentation premiered the cover of Gloria Trevi’s song, “Todos me miran”, performed by Natalia, which she performed live. Four promo videos were screened where Natalia shows how to do different hairstyles in three simple steps.

Last update: 28.2.2025