Natalia Oreiro was photographed for Carolina Herrera fragrance 212 VIP Rose, a floral fruity for modern women.
Natalia Oreiro was invited to Brondi Live in the podcast “Angel Reponde” where she talked about her phobia about certain repetitive small sounds causes her anxiety. She remembered her life in Uruguay when she liked to dress up after coming from school, that she stayed a lot to her grandma’s house in Cierro and there was a warehouse where they threw not useful things. She found a sewing machine, she liked to wear her aunt’s clothes, she was putting makeup like Marilyn Monroe and pretend it was her dressing room. Referring to the radios, Natalia said that now they are killing her with the videos cuz her hair was a really mess. She does not fix her hair, no makeups, she had done her nails on a taxi. Her teacher Julio Jordano, in the 5th grade, challenged her to start studying theater and participating to the school’s plays and told her that she has a certain potential. Then she started to study to a bookstore and that in her 12 years old she believed she was professional. In a newspaper she saw an advertisement for seeking children actors. Her mother was a hairdresser and her dad was a businessman who owned a store called Dormiflex in Uruguay and its selling great. She mentioned her very distant relative who is called Washington Oreiro, he was playing violin and directed an orchestra. He was very famous.
She said that her mom liked to sing and she is doing it very well. As a 70th years old birthday of her mom, Natalia she produced a CD with the help of a producer. She sent her the songs she sang in the bathroom cuz she never liked to sing in front of people. Now she wants to upload it to Spotify and become famous. While she was filming the movie “Un Argentino en Nueva York”, the producer asked her if she knows to sing and she said of course. She participated in a school choir but never as a lead singer. Then she was offered to produce her first CD and this is how she started her music career. The presenter commented that the press was attacking her when she started her music career at the beginning and she said that hurts her. They wrote she wants to be a singer, she wants to be an actress, she wants to be a designer, what else she wants? She wants people like what she is doing. She never stopped studying singing.
A fan called Carola from Uruguay, called to the podcast and Naty confessed that she married her with her girlfriend and she believed that they met at one of her concert. She revealed that she will sing at La Marcha de Orgullo in Uruguay next year. She mentioned living in Spain for two years. Her mother wanted to study hairdressing, then she opened a salon. She talked about her house in Palermo, in which she lived for 18 years. She talked about Muneca brava, which is available on Netflix, where young fans shout at her “Cholito” and she feels like Grandma Cholito. Speaking of the movie “Campamento con mama”, she said that her mother called her at the premiere’s day to complain about Atahualpa appearance on the movie. She told her that the idea was not to be recognizable. Her son is not interested in acting neither being exposed. When she is walking down the street is not recognizable but when she is with Ricardo, people stop them for photos and Natalia is the photographer. This year she celebrates 23 years of marriage.
She said that Ata grew 10cm in a month and it was then when she realized how the years is passing so quickly and that she will die one day, too, which was not in her mind till now. She sleeps a few hours and she goes to sleep 1 or 2 in the morning cuz she likes the silence of the night. Even if she has to wake up 6.15 in the morning to take Ata to the school. She does not like to watch movies or series in which she is starring. She talked about the series “Iosi, el espia arrepentido” which was filmed during the pandemic. Her role was limited, so she did another casting for Santa Evita. She filmed the two series at the same time. She did not want to do Santa Evita but the director told her that she is the Eva they are looking for. The difficult part was Eva’s voice. She need to work the vocals with a coach.
She said that she fights more with her mum now than at her teens years. She talked about Russia and how emotional is the Russian, about the series “Casablanca”, which was filmed 10 episodes and never transmitted. She revealed her next movies which will be “Una noche sin mi”, dir. Maria Laura Berch, “La mujer de la fila”, dir. Benjamin Avila based on real events, “La jefa…aunque no quiere”, dir. Daniela Goggi. In January is going to film her next movie “Sin empujo” with Gael Garcia Bernal but also a movie with Fernan Miras. She would like to go on the world of directing but she wants her son to be more older to do it.
She was asked if she likes to dry her hair blond and she said the two times she did it she was left bold. She had to dry her hair every 1 or 2 weeks cuz her hair grow so fast. She said that her first job in Uruguay when she was 14, it was conductor in a radio every Sunday where she was meeting with a man, around 60 years old, to tell the news from the eyes of a adolescent. She conducted La Voz, Quien es la mascara? and Got Talent Uruguay but she felt that she does not have anything else to give. She said that is not part of Las Oreiro anymore and the store is named now Oreiro Love. She likes to design clothes but she is not businesswoman. Now she designs glasses via a company name Ranieri.
The movie “Campamento con mama” in its 1st week of viewing in the platform of Netflix has reached 2.400.000 views which placed the 6th movie worldwide in the Top 10 of non-English spoken movies. It was ranked the 9th top movie in Netflix.

The choreographer Emir Abdul Gari was published a series of video from the rehearsals for the song “Si no es con vos” with Natalia Oreiro.
Natalia Oreiro was invited to Luzu TV in the podcast’s Special Edition yesterday night.
She talked about when she is matching a movie without knowing the actors she likes the storyline, the genre, the director. She confession her problem with her eyes. She has astigmatism and getting old the problem becomes more bigger. She wear a pair of glasses where is half-half for distance and close.
When she did her first movie, she found herself singing for the soundtrack and it was not her plans to be a singer. She recorded three studio albums. The company wanted to produce different kind of music. When she showed them other genres, her own songs, she found a denial. Then she broke the contract with them cuz she wanted to become actress to dramatic films. The producer Cachoro Lopez told her that she will not manage to record what she wanted cuz the company wanted something else. She was forced to sign a contract that she will not record any other studio album with another company for 10 years.
In the memory of the movie “Infancia clandestina” where Benjamin Avila asked her to sing the song “Suenos de juventud” but she denied. Later he convicted her to do it. She has also sang for another movie which it’s going to premiere soon.
In the movie “Campamento de mama”, she suggest to sing the soundtrack. The presenter mentioned that when he saw the movie “Campamento de mama”, he cried 3 times. The movie is very moving and it talks about the difficult relationship of a mother with her pre-teen son who is 12 years old. The boy is growing up and she cannot accept it. She does not understand that her son needs air and wings. It happened to Natalia with her son, who is also 12 years old, when they were on the filming set and asked him if she is like Patri. Ata told her “a little less”.
On the topic discussed about social media said that her son is not allowed to use screens and that she tries to postpone till he will be 13 or 14 years old. She said that she cannot learn her script if its not printed.
Also, the director of the movie “Campamento de mama”, Martino Zaidelis joined the interview. During the interview Natalia remembered her first role in Inconquitable corazon (1994) next to Pablo Rago, who was the protagonist. At the end of the interview, she greeted everyone.
Natalia Oreiro appeared to the promo of GA.MA Italy where she is promoting a new hairdryer from the company. Watch the video below.
Natalia Oreiro was invited to Vuelta y Media by Urbana Play 104.3 fm along with Dalia Gutman. In a question if she knows to dance, she said that her parents sent her to learn flamenco and Jota. She was studying on the 3rd floor and she could not do tap dance cuz downstairs was living people. She said learning flamenco is very hard.
Referring to the movie “Campamento con mama”, she said she does not like to work with children, that she has to have a lot of patience with children. She said that she is very demanding at her work. She said that she enjoyed the filming with them. Referring to Adrian Suar when they are filming Solamente vos, she said to him to learn his lines or she will go at home. She was asked why she chose to star in this project of Netflix and it said that cuz she has a son on the same age and it happens to her, that a lot of women might feel identified by her personage, that children from young become adolescent without even realizing it. She said that her son appeared at the movie with long hair, that you see only the profile of him and its difficult to be recognized. She did not let him see the movie “Reloca” cuz she swear a lot and at home she tries not to do that, so he will not learn bad words. She disagrees young children to have social account cuz its privilege to be anonymous at childhood and adolescence. Her son likes more the cars, the mechanic of cars. She likes old cars, too. The more difficult scene to film was at the bridge. It was hard for her.
She said that if the director ask to cry, she cannot do it but if she feels the emotions, it can come naturally. She said that she likes the team to know what they are doing but if not, better leave it. She was asked what she missed before she come a mother and she said: to sleep, to travel alone and don’t think what she has to do 35 things in a day. Naty does not consider herself a good mother, she said that she speak with her son but in her time she did not have that. She talked about her pregnancy, that she did natural birth classes but in the end she did c-section cuz the cord was around the neck of Ata. She wanted a home delivery and without any epidural. She was in delivery for 24 hours. After the delivery she could not even sit, go to the bathroom or to sleep.